One who fears, lives not.
                                                   Better be a bit crazy, than just a bit smart.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Taking Lives (2004)

Taking Lives (2004)

Well, how should I put this... I haven't seen such a stupid and retarded movie, in years! Jesus, I thought when those actors make money they wouldda stop making bull-crap movies, but, apparently, that is not the case with Angelina Jolie. I can freely say that Lara Croft was an artistic and legendary movie compared to this peace of crap. Most important thing about Angelina being detective (deFective) is that when she runs, camera focuses on her swaying boobies. Another thing - two sex scenes - put into the movie excusively so she can undress... Another thing - car chase - oh Lord that was weak! Whole story is quite retarded and unbelievable, with so many flaws... from the begining, of course, it praises USA - c'mon, we all know that USA is superior and everyone else is sucker, so Canadian police calls in help from - FBI... .agent from Pennsylvania saves Canada, and story is soooooo cheeeeeeessy that it stinks five blocks around my house. I better go and erase the copy of the movie, since I have no enemies to recommend them this for download and as for my friends - I will gladly recommend them the same - erase motherfugga and don't watch this shit. You'll spend 2 hours better if you go to sleep, instead of watching this shit.


Anonymous said...

A ja se bas nameracio da ga pogledam u ovom malom intermecu izmedju dva semestra. Maybe not...

30 Sec Flat

.iznogud said...

tooooplo bih ti preporucio film "love actually" - jedno ostvarenje koje bez pretenzija da bude "filmcina" na jako opusten nacin prica jedno 12 smjesnih isprepletenih ljubavnih prica... zagarantovano smijanje.